DoHyun KIM
Digital Media Design for Learning

New York University, New York, M.A.
Master of Arts: Digital Media Design for Learning, December 2014
• Designed and developed a prototype application for “Google Glass” for language learning
• Designed educational websites and videos based on cognitive science and multimedia learning theories
• Conducted quantitative research on human and computer interaction design
• Designed a mobile simulation game for kids to learn nutrition information
•GPA: 3.8/4.0
• Gave a presentation at E-Learning conference in Las Vegas in 2013 / Helsinki, Finland in 2014 / New York University 2014
• Published paper: Publisher E-Learning AACE (Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education)
1) Potential Influence on Pedagogics by Introducing iPads for Classroom 3.0
2) Better Than MOOCs: Improving Online Learning Environments Based on Cognitive Theories
3) Outro: a Google Glass application as a cognitive tool to enhance second language acquisition
New York University, New York, M.A.
Master of Education *transferred to the program: Digital Media Design for Learning 2012 – 2013
• Studied Linguistics (Phonology, Syntax, and Grammar)
• Taught English and Korean to adults learners at New York University
• Gave a presentation about educational technology at New York State TESOL conference in 2012, New York
Dong Guk University, Seoul, Korea, B.S.
Semiconductor / Computer Science 2000 – 2007 (2004 - 2006, military service at Air Force )
• Analyzed data and researched semiconductor fabrication and process at Seoul National University
• Studied display (FTF, LED), optical diodes(LED), and semiconductor process engineering
• Computer programing lnaguages: Java, C++, HTML
Noom (,
New York, 2015
Managed and upated Korean food nutrition facts data base
• Error reporting and add new food nutrition facts in the server.
SesameStreet Workshop (,
New York, 2014
Test engineer for mobile application
Digital media content production team
• Error reporting and play testing on Mobile games
Hyundai Motors & Wowfactor (,
New York, 2014
Interpreter & coordinator
• Set up interactive billboard for Hyundai motors and updated digital content launched at Times Square.
(Facial recognition camera & Wifi & video content management system)
• Coordinated and interpreted between U.S. billboard and Hyundai Motors (English & Korean)
News article on the proejct:
New York, 2013
Researcher and UX designer on mobile application
Mobile interactive video application development company
• Researched on online and mobile education content/product market
• Researched and designed Flipped & gamified classroom model for K-12 students
• Designed prototypes/wireframes UIs for Touchcast mobile poll/quiz application
Watch the interactive video to learn about Gamified classroom model, Click the image above
Amkor technology
Korea, 2008 - 2011
CS/ back-end test engineer
The world’s second biggest semiconductor manufacturer for packaging and testing
• Analyzed data sets, quality analysis (QA) for Samsung Galaxy S smartphones and Qualcomm system devices
• Trained and certified on operating workstation and equipment for Hewlett-Packard Co.
Air Foce, Korea, 2004 - 2006
Wire and wireless communication equipment mraintanance
• Language skills: Korean (Native), English (Native Proficiency), Japanese (Intermediate)
• Computer skills: Java, HTML, C++
• Video editing software: Final Cut Pro, Camtasia, Adobe Photoshop
• Design skills: wireframe, mockup, prototype, and, persona, and storyboard design (low and high fidelity)
• Interests: film making: (, creating online educational videos on
my YouTube channel: (,
and blog (
Film making at New York University
About the video clip: introducing five cafeterias and restaurants in SOHO
Directing & video editing : Dohyun Kim
Illustration and music : Lulu
Date: 2012. March
Location: SOHO in NYC